Personal Responsibility

How The DISC Assessment Changed my Life
I discovered the DISC assessment back in 2015. I was at that point in life where I was "starting over". This tool helped me to bridge the gap in my communication skills...
How The DISC Assessment Changed my Life
I discovered the DISC assessment back in 2015. I was at that point in life where I was "starting over". This tool helped me to bridge the gap in my communication skills...

Accomplishments More Than Excuses
de·sign/dəˈzīn/a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.This project was fun.So here’s...
Accomplishments More Than Excuses
de·sign/dəˈzīn/a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.This project was fun.So here’s...

Personal Responsibility
Everything you have, don't have or will have in the future is based on the choices you are making right now. Most people like to blame other people because it's...
Personal Responsibility
Everything you have, don't have or will have in the future is based on the choices you are making right now. Most people like to blame other people because it's...

Reflections Of A Survivor
In his words: If you ever wondered why I stay positive, why it's my mission to share my light, love, and positivity, why my energy stay on 💯?.Well, March 12,...
Reflections Of A Survivor
In his words: If you ever wondered why I stay positive, why it's my mission to share my light, love, and positivity, why my energy stay on 💯?.Well, March 12,...